Snacketizer Part Two: Roasted Spicy Squash Seeds

Part two of the series! Here is a classic case of use what you got, which is basically my MO 90% of the time. This is the first time I've ever roasted squash seeds because I normally use pumpkin or sunflower seeds. But because I made the spaghetti squash a few days ago, I had these leftover. They are packed with protein and incredibly versatile. Eat them by themselves, in a salad, on top of a crostini, wherever!

Take your seeds (I had 1 cup) and place them in a colander. If you haven't already, separate them from any squash pieces and rinse them with water. Dry your seeds and place them in a Ziploc bag. Drizzle with 1T olive oil, 1tsp salt, and 1.5tsp of ground cumin. This is the spicy part. Place them in a single layer on a cookie sheet and bake at 325 degrees F for 20-22 minutes or until they have turned a golden brown color.

They definitely satisfy the mental hand to mouth aspect of snacking, and bridge the gap between meals. I've even had people tell me they ate these when they were quitting smoking, and it helped with the nicotine cravings. They are super crunchy and have the perfect amount of spice from the cumin.

Write your questions, comments, or recipe requests below. Buon appetito!


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